...Am still in the 2023 race, he says

Its all a charade, says Dr David Onyenucheya, one of frontline aspirants for Ikwuano State Constituency as he withdraws from the Abia State House of Assembly PDP  primary election scheduled for today, Sunday  May 22, 2023.

In a post on the WhatsApp social media platform Onyenucheya  states:  "I regret  to inform you of my withdrawal from the primary election of PDP for Ikwuano State Constituency of the Abia State House of Assembly

"My decision for this withdrawal is due to the current power play and imposition of delegates against the genuine party primary election delegates which violates the right of the people of Ikwuano State Constituency

"As disappointing as it appears, I urge you all to maintain your peace as God's will must definitely prevail", he states and affirmed that he  will surely be on the ballot for 2023 general election.

" I shall definitely address you very soon on my next political move. Just stay strong with us "maka oganiru Ikwuano.", He concluded

Onyenucheya who spoke to dailyledger.com.ng maintained it is pointless standing for the primary as the its delegates the 3-m man were never elected but a compilation  of the names of the cronies picked by the  powers that be. "It is a charade and fraudent gimmick conceived to deceive the test of us"

Dailyledger.com.ng reports that Onyenucheya, businessman -politician is considered a big threat to the second term ambition of the incumbent as his philantrophy   and mobilisation machinery, the OGM had made decisive inroads and won the heart of hundreds of Ikwuano electorate who argue that the incumbent has performed absymally below average.